EMASS Policy on Minimum Skills Required For New Players
[Adopted by Board of Directors, Jan 4, 2021]

Any New Member (never enrolled in EMASS before) is subject to the following Minimum Skills Requirement Policy.

New Members must be able to meet the following five required skills:

  1. Have sufficient mobility and reaction time to field balls without being a safety concern.
  2. Consistently throw a ball over 50 feet in the air with reasonable accuracy,
  3. Consistently catch a ball thrown from more than 60 feet away, 
  4. Consistently hit a slow-pitch softball out of the infield, 
  5. Run to first base in under 10 seconds,

During the first four weeks of play (practice, practice games or regular season), all New Members will be observed and evaluated by the Division Coordinator and managers. If the evaluating parties believe that a New Member might fall short of satisfying any of the 5 required skills, they may be declared ineligible for EMASS league play and will receive a refund of all fees paid to EMASS. Any new player who is so disqualified may re-apply to EMASS for the following season.

EMASS Policy on Minimum Skills Required For Returning Players

EMASS does not force returning members to retire from EMASS because their skills have degraded. We expect our members to make that decision when they feel uncomfortable with their ability to contribute in the divisions they are playing.

If a Division Coordinator believes that a Returning Member might have skills that are substantially below par for players in that division, the Coordinator may notify that member of the consequences:

  1. If a division holds a draft, such a player may not be drafted.
  2. For weaker players assigned to a roster, the consequences are less playing time, fewer at bats, and less diversity of playing positions in the field.

Notifying any returning players that they are perceived as substantially below par for a division is a courtesy and completely at the discretion of the Division Coordinator so that a player has chance to switch divisions or withdraw in a timely manner.