EMASS Operations

The EMASS board is governed by the EMASS By-laws. The board compiled a Policies, Procedures, Roles and Responsibilities document to clarify the roles, responsibilities and monthly operations necessary to manage the league with efficiency and effectiveness. We also publish a yearly budget available for all members to understand our financial situation. 

EMASS Board of Directors

EMASS is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of at least seven (7) Members and not exceeding fourteen (14) Members. The specific number of Directors to be elected for the ensuing year shall be recommended by the nominating and election committee and approved by the Board.
The 2024 board members are Tim Black, Steve Bober, Carl Carlson, Phil Edelen, Steve Elkinson, Larry Fegan, George Fishman, Rich Goldberg, Joe Groden, James Hulbert, Rich Laudon, Josh Murray, Walker Royce, Larry Salk. Their roles are shown below.

The Board is responsible for management of EMASS and is the sole and exclusive authority for determining, implementing and overseeing policies, rules and regulations. The Officers have no independent policy or rule making authority.

The official address for EMASS is:  EMASS Senior Softball, PO Box 5069, Wayland, Massachusetts 01778-4837