EMASS welcomes players of all skill levels and offers a safe, well-organized opportunity to play competitive slow-pitch softball.

EMASS is a vibrant community of more than 450 members who love softball and compete in a spirited, sportsmanlike manner.  Our players range in age from 50 to 80-plus and play in four weekday and two Saturday divisions of different age groups and skill levels. No matter your ability, we will try and find a spot in one or more of our six divisions.  We have paid umpires and we play on well-groomed fields in Framingham, Medfield, Wayland, Marlboro, and Ashland.

Community, Sportsmanship, Competition...and in that order.

New to EMASS? Take a look at our FAQ. It will give you a good sense of our softball-loving community. 

 Looking for something? Click the EMASS Site Map.

Sending us something? Our official address is:  EMASS Senior Softball, PO Box 5069, Wayland, MA  01778-4837